Research from Parents says kids are hardwired to be considerate and kind. They want to help. That’s their natural inclination. If that’s the case, though, why do a lot of kids seem spoiled and entitled? It might have something to do with the way parents are raising their kids. If you’re finding yourself facing the same problem, here are steps to help you instill kindness into your children:

Be a Good Role Model

Don’t try to teach your children all about kindness when your actions and behavior are the furthest thing from being kind or considerate. It’s important to guide your kids right and that means being a good role model. If you can’t do that, and they can’t look up to you because your actions seem the exact opposite, then don’t be surprised if your child isn’t putting those lessons to good use. If you’re having a hard time being a role model, then consider getting help from Allen counselors to help you start making positive changes in your life. Once that happens, the thought of being role model for your kids should be much, much easier and possible to achieve.

Assign Chores

Letting your kids play all today might seem like the nice thing to do. “They’re only children once.” But the lack of responsibilities can also spoil them. Assigning them chores is an excellent way to teach them about the value of work. They will feel more pride in your home and often show greater care about items or furniture when they help you clean them. It’s also one way to make them realize that not everything in life is easy to come by. By being familiar with the idea of work early on, they will grow up thinking that hard work is a good thing. This will help your children grow into responsible adults. And because they aren’t afraid of hard work and discipline, you’re easily setting them up to be successful in life later on.

Talk to Them

Talk to Kids

If your kids don’t seem inclined to listen, don’t lose your temper. You losing your temper isn’t going to make the situation better. But if you’re at your wit’s end and you don’t seem to have the right words to make your children pay attention to what you’re saying, it might be a good idea to look for a counseling service near Dallas for therapy and assistance. Experienced therapists can help you get to the bottom of things and figure out why your kids have been difficult lately. By resolving possible issues, you can start teaching your kids about kindness, with the hope that this time, those lessons will stick.


Emphasize Caring

Make it clear to them that caring for others and being considerate is a necessary quality. Train them to put this front and center whenever they interact with other people. Make them understand how hard and how important it is to be respectful and caring even when they’re tired upset or angry. This will help you raise kind children who can will grow up with a clear and intrinsic understanding of how to be considerate of other people’s needs.

Provide Them with Chances to Practice

Let your kids practice being grateful and caring, says the Washington Post. Learn to recognize opportunities that will allow them to put those beliefs in practice. Simple gestures like being generous to friends or thanking someone who helped them can be invaluable in ingraining the kind of traits and qualities you want them to have.

Cut Back on Rewards

While it’s great to reward your children for being helpful, don’t overdo it. That could set the wrong precedent for your kids. It could lead to a point that they will start expecting rewards every time they do something to help someone else. That could condition your children the wrong way. Instead, let them realize that helping is its own reward. And that while rewards are a good bonus, they’re only extra. The true gift—and joy—in helping others is already the act itself.

Help Them Manage their Emotions

Kids don’t have filters yet. That’s why they often say what’s on their minds. But that also means they aren’t capable of managing their emotions yet. If you want to raise kind and caring kids, though, teaching them how to calm down and manage any destructive feelings they have will not only help them today. It can give them the tools they need to be well-adjusted individuals in the future. Need help? Look for an experienced counselor to help you teach your kids how to express their feelings in ways that are productive instead of damaging.